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How Do I Know If This Is Right For Me?

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Alexa Young, CA

"More free time - The time spent not getting high is spent on improving myself."

Morgan James, NY

"I remember my dreams - I forgot just how awesome it is to remember my dreams every single night."

Lisa Driver, MI

"More confident/self-respect/at ease with myself - This is pretty big. I respect myself more, which results in being at ease with myself, which leads to more confidence, which leads to greater confidence as confidence breeds confidence."

Alexa Young, CA

"Clear headed - It's a nice feeling no longer having that fog follow me around. I am able to experience things fully."

Morgan James, NY

"Memory is almost back - I forget fewer things. When I do forget I remember a few moments later instead of not at all."

Lisa Driver, MI

"More energy/Less sleep - I used to sleep 9 hours and still feel terrible. Now I sleep 7 and have more energy than ever. Getting out of bed comes easily. I also go to bed earlier."
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